








1. Who can stay when youth is gone, and your head will turn white in the middle of your life. I wish you happiness for the rest of your life, more happiness and less sorrow. The sunset scenery is infinitely good, and health and longevity are considered cattle. A new day, childlike innocence is not old, I wish you all a happy Children’s Day !

2. June 1, to all the old urchins, happy holidays! Time flies, the years are without a trace, in the blink of an eye, it is a new January, the time is fleeting, and it is June 1 of the year. On this day full of childlike innocence, my most sincere greetings and wishes are also sent as promised ! May my dear old friends, in the years to come, life will be as happy as a child, days will be as happy as a child, and always be as happy as a child!


3. 6161, peace and health for you! No matter what age you are, the body is the foundation of everything. Health is the eternal theme. Only when health is there can life be more comfortable and life will be easier. When June 1st arrives, no matter how old you are, it is just numbers. Don’t care too much. Be good, enjoy life. May my dear friends, happy holidays!

4. June 61, good luck to you! Life is bitter and sweet, days are sad and happy, life is impermanent, and there will be troubles; life is beautiful, and it will always be full of laughter. On June 1st, no matter how life changes, no matter how hard the days are, there will be gains after hard work, and happiness after hard work!


5. Happy Children’s Day, I wish all the old urchins a happy holiday! May all the old urchins have a childlike innocence forever! Life is sometimes a little bitter, and the days are sometimes a little tired. In the days to come, I wish you: always have an innocent childlike innocence, reminisce about childhood easily, and enjoy life happily!

6. On the occasion of the June 1st Children’s Day, I sincerely wish children and friends innocence, happiness and thriving growth! Childhood in the Mood for Love, innocent stories, whimsical dreams, and the joy of laughing every day! At the same time, I also wish you, young, middle-aged and old, “June 1st” Children’s Day, the innocence will last forever, and you will be happy looking back on the past!

7. Children’s Day is coming! Bless all the innocent and happy children, and the once innocent and happy big friends. If you want to maintain a carefree state of mind, then bloom your smiling face at any time, be happy for no reason, and be more natural and honest!

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上一篇 2022年12月28日 02:41
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